
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Term 1 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Room 4 Students,

Welcome back to another school year! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable holiday. I look forward to meeting all the new faces in Room 4 this year. I’m also looking forward to catching up with parents, those I know and those new to the school. 

This letter is to just let you know a little about what will be happening this term, however more specific information will follow in class letters and weekly School Newsletter.

Year 7 and 8 Camp is from the 13th-16th March at Waipara- a gear list, health forms and behavioural contract will be sent home in the next few weeks.

Homework will start in week two this term and will be handed out on Mondays and returned on Fridays. Homework consists of 10 spelling words,  a reading log to be filled out daily and a variety of assignments and class work to be finished at home.

This term the Inquiry topic is ‘Identity’ looking at all aspects of the children in Room 4’s identities; their past, where they have come from, their cultural identity, living in New Zealand, being a ‘Kiwi’ and developing a personal identity they can be proud of in the future. They will also be setting personal goals and a focus for 2012.

Thank you to all those who have sent their children with named stationery and hats; can these all please be here by Friday. We are also in need of magazines for art activities this year so if you have any of these please send them along.

Library day is Thursday this year and it would be a great help if children remember to bring their books back on or before this day.

I hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any other queries please feel free to contact me at school for an appointment or e-mail at
Please check out our class blog

I look forward to an exciting 2012, working with the fabulous children in Room 4.

Yours sincerely,

Ryan McInnes.

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