
Monday, 29 April 2013

Term 2 Class Newsletter

Monday 6th May 2013

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Room 4 Students,

Welcome back to another exciting term, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break.  This letter is just to let you know a little about what will be happening in Term Two.

Spelling, tables and reading log will begin this week and will be the same as it was last term.  Please sign your child’s notebook and reading log to show they are completing these at home.

Our Inquiry Topic for Term Two is ‘Change’, looking at ‘the technology of toys past, present and future’. During this unit students will be designing, creating, building, and evaluating their own new and modified toys. If you have any handy bits and pieces to help with the build such as; egg containers, lids, bottles, shoe boxes, old rugby socks, plastic containers, buttons, small boxes, could you please bring these during the term..

In week 2 educators from Ferrymead Historic Park will come to school and bring with them example of old toys and games and facilitate a day of teaching and learning about historic toys, puppets, games etc. There is a cost for this of $4 and if this could be paid to Shelley by Week 2 this would be much appreciated.

Other focus subjects in Term 2 are:
Religious Education -Holy Spirit and Church.
Mathematics- Addition and Subtraction and Statistics.
English- Discussion and instructions.
Kiwisport and Library continue on Thursdays.

Please check that your child still has all stationery needed in Room 4 including a red pen, ruler, pencils, eraser etc.

All dates and times of events and activities this term will follow in the School Newsletter.

I hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any other queries please feel free to contact me at school for an appointment or e-mail at
I look forward a very productive and successful term with your child.  Please check out our class blog:

Yours sincerely,

Ryan McInnes

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Cross Country 2013

Today we had our School Cross Country. Everyone tried hard, did their best and supported their friends. There are now 18 children who have been choosen to go to Zone Cross Country in May.
Room 4

Again a big thanks to Gordan Trigg for his stunning photography.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Science Alive

Science Alive.

Today Science Alive came to school. We learnt about forces, gravity, energy, pulleys, wheels, gears and axels.
We got to build our own vehicles, using a design brief, this was lots of fun especially when we put motors on them and drove them around the room.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Year 3/4 Basketball

Great game last night with 2 minutes to go it was 8 all. Players got a little tired because there was no subs and so they just missed out on their first competition points.

Maori Art

On Thursday we read a Maori myth called ‘How Maui slowed the sun’.

We brainstormed ideas on what our art would look like and then

completed the rough copy in pencil.

Lastly we did our good copies on black paper  using pastels.