
Monday, 14 December 2015

Thanks Everyone

Thanks to every I have met on my St. Anne' s journey. I will really miss this place. I will keep in touch I want to hear all the stories of sports success and how the wonderful kids at St. Anne's are getting on.
Ryan McInnes

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Painting the pot.

Thanks Sulekha for all your hard work the students have been so privileged to have your expertise.

School Picnic

School Picnic was on today, plenty of fun and games for young and old, thanks to the parent's and friends, another great success.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Clip and Climb and 10 pin bowling trip

Today Room 4 and 5 went for a fantastic trip, thanks to all the parents who came to help, the students and I had a wonderful time.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Touch 2015 Final

Another wonderful season of touch comes to an end.
Thanks to Naps and James for their coaching and all the other parents who have helped each week, especially Penny with her player of the day and score keeping role. 
St Anne's Saints Year 3/4- 1st in the competition.
St Anne's Stars 6th in the competition.

This is my last sporting act at St. Anne's I wish to thank everyone who has helped me over the last seven years. I am very proud of all the remarkable sporting achievements the students have accomplished in this time.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Week 8

Lots of finishing up work this week. Very creative Technology projects.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Canterbury Athletics

Seven Athletes travelled to Ashburton to compete in the Canterbury Athletics Championship on Wednesday. All seven did amazingly well and represented St. Anne's with pride. Outstanding results were: Elisha 3rd Shotput 4th Discus -Girls 11Rebekah 3rd girls 13 ShotputLaverton 4th Shotput and 7th Discus 13 boys.James 9th Boys 10 DiscusAnna-Naina 9th Girls DiscusThanks to Tiffany Aileone for driving the team and all the other parents for their support.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Athletics Day 2015

It was a very hot day for our Athletics Day but the show still continued. Great dedication and skill was shown by all the students and all the training paid off.Well done everyone and thanks for all the parents who came to support.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Week 6

Room 4 as part of our Technology Unit, planned, created, modified and presented their desk organisers this week. We also had some fun with a 6 in 1 solar educational kit.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015


Well done to both touch teams this week.
Year 3/4 St. Anne's Saints stay unbeaten with a 7 - 2 win over Bamford.
Player of the day was Ata.
Year 5/6 St Anne's Stars had a very close tussle with Bromley and drew 2-2.
Player of the day Chloe.
Thanks to all our many parent helps and supporters.

                                  Photos by Gordon Trigg

South East Zones

South East Zone Athletics

Yesterday 39 children from St Anne’s took part in the South East Zone Athletics Championship.
The children were fantastically behaved and all did themselves proud.
Result highlights were;
Laverton Loto 1st Shot Put, 1st 60m 2nd in Discus
Elisah Umaga 1st Shot Put, 1st Discus
Lingas Fido 1st Discus, 4th  Shot Put.
Rebekah Bradbrook 1st Shot Put, 3rd Discus
Anna-Naina Aileone 1st Discus
Ben Sanft-Nafoioa 2nd = Shot Put
James Evans 2nd = Shot Put
Indi Timms 3rd 1200m
Amy Brown 5th 50m

A massive thanks to Penny Cherry, David Lene, Raelene Brown, Gordon Trigg and Denise Woods. .
Good luck to all athletes who have qualified for Canterbury Championship on December 2nd.

Photos by Gordon Trigg

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Week 4

Great week of learning. An interesting trip to Metro Place, solar oven technology challenge, ukulele and lots more.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Metro Place Visit

On Tuesday 3rd of November, Room 4 went to the Metro Place in Bromley. First we met Chris Duggan our educator for the morning and he made us all wear high visibility jackets. We then talked about organic waste and had a tour of the factory. It was great to touch the hot compost but my hands smelt very bad!!!! We then had morning tea and drove to the Ecowaste site where we participated in a number of activities to do with recycling. Lastly we looked at some worm farms and learnt all about these.
A big thank you to all our parent helps and to Chris and the Christchurch City Council.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Pizza Ovens

Room 4 have had lots of fun making our pizza ovens and today was our chance to cook our s'mores.
They were very yummy!! We are now thinking of ways we can improve their design to cook some toast later in the week.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Room 4 Assembly

Room 4 presented an assembly about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The class sang well and all shared their knowledge about the fruits, well done Room 4.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Senior Athletic Afternoon

Great performances from Room 4 today during the Senior Athletics afternoon.
A few 9 year olds from Room 4 will represent St. Anne's at the Zones.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Week 2

Lots of learning this week, Origami, Paper-making, Instructions and Athletics.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Hooked on Cricket

 On Tuesday 20th October, 8 Year 5/6 students represented St. Anne's at the Hooked on Cricket competition. They did themselves proud with excellent behaviour and wonderful skills. The team lost their first game to West Spreydon by 4 runs and then went on to win their next two games against Linwood North A & B placing Them 5th overall.  Their coach for the day was Andy Ellis who was a great leader.  
A massive thanks to Penny Cherry for managing and supervising the team and for her great photos.

Touch Week 1

 Both teams had great first games. Year 4/5 team won 8 - 3 and Year 5/6 lost 2- 4.
Thank You to Naps, James and all the supporters.

Friday, 16 October 2015


Wow, what a great night, everyone had so much fun.
A massive thanks to the Parents and Friends.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Week 1

Technology has started this week with pinwheels and anemometers being constructed and adapted.
Athletics is also in full flight.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Newsletter Term 4

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Room 4 Students,

Welcome back to another exciting term, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break.
This letter is just to let you know a little about what will be happening in Term Four.

 Homework, spelling and tables will begin this week and will be the same as it was last term.  Please sign your child’s notebook and reading log to show they are completing these at home.
Our Topic this term is related to Technology it is called ‘Explore- Design- Create’ looking at needs based technology projects, recycled junk creations, papermaking, Solar toasters, Technology inquiry unit.

Later in the term will be creating our own  Technology project. If possible during the next couple of weeks if you have any useful items around the house please bring these along i.e old shoe boxes, paper towel rolls, egg cartoons, Pizza boxes, plastic spoons, etc.

Related to this we will be heading on a class trip to the recycling depot in Bromley.
This programme  is looking at waste minimisation and management, sustainability, personal and social responsibility for action, reduce, reuse and recycle, natural cycles for dealing with waste.

We will not be taking a bus on this trip so we are looking for a number of parents to help on the day with transport and helping with a small group for the morning.
Details are: Tuesday 3rd November: leave at 9:10am return at 12:15pm.

St Anne’s will be entering a team in the South East Zone Athletic Championship which will be held on Tuesday the 10th of November this is for children 9 years and older. Selection for this will occur in the first three weeks of term. We will also have a school athletics day on Wednesday 25th  November more information will be in the School Newsletter.
Topics this term include Fractions and Decimals and Algebra for Maths, Athletics and Small Ball Skills for P.E, Instructions and Narrative for Writing, and Communion of Saints for R.E.

Please check that your child still has all stationery needed in Room 4 including a red pen, ruler, pencils, colouring pencils, eraser etc.
This newsletter will be on our class ‘Blog’

I hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any other queries please feel free to contact me at school for an appointment or e-mail at
I look forward a very productive and successful term with your child.

Yours sincerely,
Ryan McInnes.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Mission Fair 2015

Thank you to all those who came and supported the day, pity about the weather. Thanks to Wayne and David for the help with the BBQ.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Tree Planting 2015

Mr Wichman and the Garden Club helped Room 4 plant trees.
They will look great in a few years.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Visitors Week.

Lots of visitors have been to see us this week. Thanks to physios Hannah and Nicole for their brilliant presentation about the brain, Anne and Zac from the Christchurch library who read to the children and inspired them to read some new books and Bee keeper Tony Scott for his very informative talk on bees and bee keeping. We are so lucky to have these clever people willing to take the time to share their expertise with our students.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Week 8

Busy week, we had Jump Rope day, speeches and Paige's First Communion.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Jump Rope For Heart Day

Thank you to all the parents who came to support our Jump Rope Day. We all had a great day.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Kapa Haka 2015

Amazing performance yesterday, thanks to all the helpers on the day.
Photos by Gordon Trigg.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Week 6

Week 6 has been a busy week with lots of Kapa Haka practice, speech writing, skipping  and finishing up our Science Unit.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Week 5

A big week for Room 4 this week. We had Life Education Trust at school which everyone found fascinating, science experiments and our class Assembly. Six children form Room 6 represented St. Anne's at the Catholic Sports Tournament.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Week 5

Wow another busy week in Room 4. A massive thanks to all the parents who came to our Science Slam this morning it was great to see you. The class was so proud of all their achievements.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Week 2

Room 4 have continued their  'Wonderful World of Science' unit this week.

Winter Tournament 2015

South East Zone Sports Tournament.

On Friday 31st July seven St. Anne’s sports teams competed at the South East Zone Sports Tournament. After weeks of hard training all teams impressed with their performances. A big thanks to all parents who helped on the day.

Junior A Netball 4th
Junior B Netball 6th
Junior A Soccer 3rd
Junior B Soccer 8th
Senior A Netball 7th
Senior A Soccer 9th
Senior B Soccer 12th
Thanks to Gordon Trigg for the amazing photos.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Week 1

Science experiments are in full flight in Room 4 this week, lots of hands on activities.
 Really nice Feast day Assembly today, great singing and dancing.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Term 3 Newsletter

Monday 20th July 2015

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Room 4 Students,

Welcome back to another exciting term, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break.

This letter is just to let you know a little about what will be happening in Term Three.

 Homework will continue this term, each Monday 10 spelling words and 10 basic facts will come home in their notebook to learn. They also must complete a Reading Log which will also come home on a Monday. Please sign your child’s notebook and Reading Log to show they are completing these at home.

‘The wonderful world of Science’ :Focus on hands on Science experiments and developing scientific thinking.   Week 4 Science Extravaganza and  Life Education visit week 5 looking at Body Systems.
Written Language:   Reports-Class Newspaper, Science Reports.
Arguments:  Discussion focusing on Arguments and debating.
Speech Competitions: writing and presenting speeches.
Multiplication and Division, Statistics: surveys, graphs and averages.
 Church, God
Kiwisport, Fitness skills, Net and Wall games, Jump Rope for Heart day Week 8.

Please check that your child still has all stationery needed in Room 4. There were lots of issues last term relating to children not having what they needed to learn. Essential stationery is 5 pencils, an eraser, a red and blue pen, ruler, pencil sharpener, glue stick and colouring pencils.

 I hope you received your children’s Report at the end of last term please bring it along to interviews (week 3).

 All dates and times of events and activities this term will follow in the school newsletter.

 I hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any other queries please feel free to contact me at school for an appointment or e-mail at

Please check out our class blog at -

 I look forward a very productive and successful term with your child.

Yours sincerely,

 Ryan McInnes.


Welcome to Mr Wichman

An excellent welcome for Mr Wichman this morning, thanks to all those who were involved in this.